NetNewsWire 5 for Mac Help

Update NetNewsWire

NetNewsWire can check for and install updated versions of the app.

Check for updates

To turn on automatic update checking, choose NetNewsWirePreferences… from the menu bar, and click Advanced. Then turn on “Check automatically”.

A screenshot of NetNewsWire’s Advanced preferences pane, highlighting the app update checking preference.

To check for an update manually, choose NetNewsWireCheck for Updates… from the menu bar.

Whenever there’s an update, NetNewsWire will download and install it for you.

Get test builds

If you want to help test new features, or just want to be at the bleeding edge, you can update to Test builds.

A screenshot of NetNewsWire’s Advanced preferences pane, highlighting the option to download release builds or test builds of NetNewsWire.

Important Test builds may have bugs. You may lose data. NetNewsWire may crash.

To report bugs and make enhancement requests, file an issue on the NetNewsWire GitHub page. You can also share and discuss issues on the NetNewsWire Slack group.


When checking for updates, whether automatically or manually, no personally-identifiable information is collected – not even an anonymous system profile. For more information about your privacy and NetNewsWire, please see the NetNewsWire Privacy Policy.