NetNewsWire 5 for Mac Help

Share to other apps, like MarsEdit and

When you’re reading an interesting article, you may want to share it with a friend, to your blog, or to a social media account. You can share articles with other apps on your Mac.

A screenshot of NetNewsWire’s toolbar, calling out the Share button.

To share an article, use the Share button on the NetNewsWire toolbar, or Control-click the article in the timeline and choose Share. NetNewswire will share information about the article, its URL, title, and content with the other app.

Share with friends and family

Both the Mail and Messages apps provide share extensions that NetNewsWire can use for sharing. You can even use AirDrop!

Share to blogs and micro blogs

You may want to share what you’ve read – and your thoughts – even wider.


For sharing to your WordPress, Blogger and other blogging platforms, you can use MarsEdit. It’s a sister application to NetNewsWire and we think it’s great. When you share from NetNewsWire, MarsEdit starts a new post pre-filled with the article you were reading.

Another app and service we love is, a social network built on open web technologies. (Like RSS!)

With the app, it’s even easier to share and publish your thoughts. The app will start a new post with a Markdown link, ready for you to share.

Get help

If the app you want isn’t in the Share menu, you may need to add it.

A screenshot of the macOS Share menu showing the “More…” item highlighted.

Click the Share button again and choose More… to browse the list of available apps in System Preferences. Turn on the app you want, then try again in NetNewsWire.