Frequently Asked Questions
Last update: 12 Nov 2022
Does it sync via iCloud?
Yes. NetNewsWire 6.0 and up can sync your list of feeds and read/starred status for articles via iCloud.
Why is iCloud syncing slow sometimes?
NetNewsWire is very fast, and most users enjoy fast iCloud syncing pretty much all the time — but it’s worth noting that it’s not guaranteed to be always fast.
iCloud syncing can only go at the speed of iCloud. Sometimes iCloud will limit how much data it will send, which means syncing can take longer.
Long sync times are most likely whenever there’s a lot of data to sync — after adding a bunch of feeds or importing an OPML file, for instance.
Another time it can be slow is when you’re already syncing via iCloud but then you add a new device or computer — it may take a while for that new device or computer to get all the data via iCloud.
When it seems slow or stuck, just let it continue. It will get there.
For more details and for troubleshooting tips, see our article iCloud Syncing Limitations & Solutions.
Are you planning on adding support for additional online RSS systems?
NetNewsWire 6 supports Feedbin, Feedly, Inoreader, BazQux, Inoreader, NewsBlur, The Old Reader, and FreshRSS. It also syncs via iCloud.
We have no current plans to support any additional RSS systems, but we could change our minds, especially when new systems come online.
Can I use the Reader view automatically all the time?
No. And there are two good reasons why not:
- Because the web is chaotic, the Reader view isn’t guaranteed to work — it sometimes finds pages where it can’t extract the article text
- The Reader view requires extra resources — it calls to a server, generously hosted by Feedbin for free, to do the work. If a feed provides full text, there’s no need to use the Reader view, and you can save on battery and network use
Instead, you can use the Reader view just when you need it — and you can turn it on for individual feeds.
How do I turn on the Reader view for individual feeds?
Mac: right-click or ctrl-click on the feed in the sidebar, and choose “Always Use Reader View.” (Alternately: select a feed, choose Window > Info, then make sure the appropriate checkbox is checked in the Info window.)
iOS: In the Feeds list, tap on a feed. In the timeline, in the navigation bar at the top, tap the feed name. In the dialog that appears, turn on “Always Use Reader View.”
Why does the Today feed show the last 24 hours of articles?
Because it’s not that great when you’re reading your feeds at midnight and the Today feed empties out.
We realize that we’re stretching the meaning of “Today,” but we’ve decided that it’s okay. 🐣
The first time I ran the app, there were some feeds already in there. Where do they come from? Why are they there?
We include some default feeds for new users — we think you’ll like at least some of them. You might even find a couple you didn’t know about, but that you like.
The reason we include those feeds is so you have something to read right away. It’s especially useful for new users, who may not know how RSS readers work — this way they can see, without having to do anything at all, how the app works.
You’re free to delete any or all of these feeds!
The number of these default feeds is always 16, which, to a programmer, is a round number since it’s a power of two. We’ve been doing 16 feeds since NetNewsWire Lite 1.0 back in 2002. It’s a tradition. 🐥
(We change the feeds from time to time. We don’t have any arrangements with the feed owners, though we usually ask permission — unless it’s something like Daring Fireball or Six Colors where it would obviously be no problem.)
Why doesn’t NetNewsWire run on earlier versions of macOS or iOS?
It takes a lot of of work to support older operating systems in new versions of the app. Because NetNewsWire is made by volunteers, we have to choose where to focus — and we prefer to focus on app quality and new features (things like iCloud syncing).
Can I get older versions of NetNewsWire for Mac that might run on my older Mac?
Yes! See Old Versions of NetNewsWire. We have versions going back to 2006.
Where should I report bugs and make feature requests?
The best place is GitHub issues for NetNewsWire. You can also post them on the Slack group.
Do you plan to localize it in German? French? Etc.?
We’d like to, yes. It takes time, and it’s no small effort, but it’s important.